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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Must Have Henna Tool! ORa Henna Specs LED Reading Glasses

Your henna world is about to be rocked!

You can never have too much light when doing delicate henna designs, yet it seems we are always in the darkest part of a booth or party doing henna on others. Though our event contracts specifically spell out the need for adequate lighting, we seldom get it.

These awesome reading glasses have two medium powered LED to help alleviate eye stain and headaches. Plus the lights aren't so bright that they will blind your clients when you look up...a plus I think! Turn off the light and they look like regular reading glasses.

Our awesome ORa Henna Specs are a 1.00 magnification so they give just a touch of magnification with medium strength LED lights. The best part? They are only $9.99!

How, I ask, did we as henna artists ever live without them?

Buy ORa Henna Spec LED Glasses Here

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